Tuesday 7 February 2017

God the business changing plan / Dieu l'auteur du changement des projets

 Proverbs 16 is filled with wise sayings that give the true perspective of who is in charge of “making plans.”

In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps.” (Prov. 16:9)
Many of the wise sayings in Proverbs 16 identify that while it is natural, if not even good for me to make plans, I must recognize my future plans often may seem right to me, but are truly selfish and lead to bad results (Prov. 16:1, 225). The good news is: God is in the business of changing our plans to His plan, resulting in something much better than I could hope for. This is what he did with his own disciples.

Proverbes 16 est rempli de sages déclarations sur la vrai perspective de qui est en le responsable "des projets établis"
"dans son cœurs l'homme forme des projets, mais c'est le Seigneur qui détermine l'issue" (Proverbes 16:9). Plusieurs parole sage dans Proverbes 16 disent que même quand cela semble naturel, si non même bénéfique pour moi de faire des projets, je dois reconnaitre que mes future projets bien que juste et droit a mes yeux sont vraiment égoïstes et conduiront inévitablement a des mauvais résultats (Proverbes 16:1, 2, 25). La bonne nouvelle est que: Dieu est celui qui travaille pour changer nos projets pour établir les siens, ce qui résulte a quelque chose de meilleur que je pourrais espérer. C'est ce qu'il fit avec ses propres disciples.

Tuesday 4 March 2014

Sunday 2 March 2014

The Kingdom of Jesus

A big declaration of the Lord Jesus, " My Kingdom". Everybody belong to a specific kingdom or live in one kind of kingdom: then we can observe that fauna have their kingdom; animal kingdom, flora have their kingdom; vegetable kingdom, human beings have their kingdom: man kingdom, demons, evils spirit and Satan have their kingdom; the kingdom of darkness. universe is divided into kingdom for example this world ( combine system) is a kingdom, but our concern is not to expose all type of kingdom.
Let us define simply a kingdom in our understanding. A kingdom can be a country, a land, a territory ruled by a king. in the text under consideration we are talking about the kingdom of Jesus , which is the kingdom of God.

Jesus knew at that time where he came from,
he knew exactly his identity,
he knew who he is in that kingdom,
he knew his position,
he knew his duty and the laws that govern that kingdom,
he knew who gave him the authority to overrule that kingdom,

The kingdom of Jesus  son of God is above everything, and above all kind of kingdom that ever exist, anywhere.

None is a neuter one in this human world,
 then there is a question in my mind,
 what is your kingdom?
are you partaker of the kingdom of Jesus?
if not the only way to enter god's kingdom is through is son Jesus...